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Yoga is the golden key.


Yoga is the golden Key that unlocks the door to peace, tranquility and joy. 

International yoga day is celebrated every year on 21st june as a global event. International yoga day started in 2015.

It was prime minister Narendra Modi, who proposed this day at the United Nations in 2014.

A draft resolution on the international day of yoga introduced by India's ambassador to the UN, received support from 177 nations, the highest number of co-spans-ors for any UNGA resolution. 

Thereafter, the United Nations declared June 21as the international day of yoga. The aim of world yoga day is to make people aware of the benefits of yoga in the world. 

Yoga is an old method of exercise that has developed over thousands of years in Indian society and has been practiced ever since. 

Yoga is practiced worldwide now with a huge popularity, especially in west-east countries. 

Yoga is an old act in which the body is connected with the mind. It is a type of exercise through which all elements of the body are linked with the mind ,with the help of meditation and relaxation. 

Yoga Asanas and its benefits:

Yoga makes it possible to attain the union of the soul with the supreme Being. 

Yoga changes our outlook and creates self awareness towards life. 


It improves digestion and blood circulation. This gives a relief to your back and the lower back pain. 

 Yoga Mudra Asana:

It can be repeated 3 to 5 times. 

The flexibility of your spinal cord will be improved. 

Baddha padmasana :

Enhances spine agility. Yoga posture is very good for the brain and spinal cord. Hence, it benefits spine related problems. 


It helps to stretch neck and  throat muscles. You have to focus between eyebrows or on the top of the nose. 

Please do not strain your eyes so much. 

 Halasana :  

It is beneficial for efficient functioning of vital organs in the stomach, improves immunity and increases the height. 


It is very beneficial in improving your flexibility of shoulders and breathing. 

Yoga is an ancient art which originated in India around five thousand years ago . Yoga is a good practice if one does it in daily life.It is a breathing exercise in which one learns to control movement of different organs of the body and connect the body with the soul. It helps us to  live a healthy lifestyle and a better life forever. 

Yoga plays a significant role in our daily life and one must learn to practice it so as to improve their overall mental and physical well being. 

Benefits of Yoga:

Yoga has not one but many benefits. Some of them are:

  • Yoga helps in keeping our mental and physical health intact. 

  • It keeps away most of the ailments from our mind and body. 

  • By practicing yoga, we can also sharpen our mind and improve our intelligence. 

  • It helps us to connect nature. 

  • Yoga allows clearing the mind and reaching a more peaceful life approach. 

  • Yoga helps in achieving inner peace and fighting against stress and other problems. 

  • It helps in improving the flexibility of muscles. 

  • It makes a better digestive system. 

  • Yoga helps in weight reduction. 

  • It helps in skin glow. 


Yoga is one of the most beneficial body practices in the world. Which has a rich ancient history and traditions. It helps to improve one's life significantly by increasing body flexibility and muscle strength.

Yoga is a lifestyle for millions of people worldwide. It brings good health and a peaceful mind for those who do yoga on a daily basis. It is highly beneficial to make  yoga an essential part of your life and practice it day by day. 

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