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Respect is a universal act of displaying admiration and love for another person. It won't come naturally in one's behaviour. It needs to be learnt. 

Respect can be displayed in many different ways depending on the relationship you have with the person. We can show respect by listening, serving, being kind, being polite, being thankful for others etc. 

Lack of respect leads to conflicts at individual, family and societal levels. It is important to respect everyone regardless of whether you like or dislike them. 

Respect is the glue that holds your relationships together. It builds a feeling of trust, safety and well being. 

"IF you get ignored once, take the hint and never bother that person again, self respect is more important than someone's reply or attraction".

Self-respect is very important. If you don't respect yourselves, you won't be able to get respect from others. When you are treating yourself with respect the day becomes positive. 

We should respect our parents because they gave us birth, without them, we would not have been here. They fulfill our needs, educate us, feed us, love us, nurture (to help to grow, develop or succeed) us. 

Self-respect is fundamental for a great life. If self-respect is lacking this may cause insecurity and the strive to be someone we are not. To develop self-respect means to cultivate self-confidence to deal with whatever life throws at us. Self-respect comes from an inner belief and not an egoistic feeling of superiority

A healthy level of self-respect enables you to have the confidence to set firm boundaries. It means knowing what you stand for and what your values are, being accepting of both your strengths and weaknesses. Self-respect is an inner quality that each individual must take time to develop. 

What people say to me will not decide what I will say to myself. So someone says to you that you're useless? What you will say to yourself. I Am the most beautiful soul. What about they are right? They are not right, it's their presumption. 

The following are some ways to improve self-respect:


Get to know yourself. The more you understand yourself, the more you'll appreciate how unique you are. Discover your own values, personality and abilities stop people-pleasing and standards. Be true to yourself. It is important you have faith in your own values and remember. What is important to you. Just because other people think you should behave in a certain way, doesn't mean they are right. 


True self-respect brings inner peace. Spirituality nurtures that inner peace. Do not reject this side of your personality. The journey towards spirituality can be an exciting and deeply satisfying experience.


Forgive others and forgive yourself. Don't live in the past. Move on from past mistakes and difficult situations. 

4.Self love:

Never hate yourself. This can become a dangerous habit. We make mistakes, we may do the wrong thing but we should never put ourselves down unnecessarily.


Make a conscious decision that you are no longer going to take the 'victim' role- you are responsible for your life and only you can make change happen. Joan Didion, an American author, says that " The willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life is the source from which self-respect springs".

6.Respect others:

If you have no respect for others, how can you respect yourself? It is the wrong approach to try to feel better by putting others down. If you look for good qualities in others. It will be easier to see the good qualities in yourself.

Self-respect is a reflection that shows how matured we are. How confident we are. These two things , maturity and confidence, make us feel great and make us believe that we are not less than anyone when we have a self-respect that will also reflect on the things that we do too. Whether it's our studies, our work or whatever it is. 

It's important that we must respect ourselves. We should not degrade our mind. If we despite ourselves we will never rise and we will not command that respect of others. So respect yourself then only we will be respected by others. 

                   Thank you

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